Board of Directors
The Board kindly requests calls of an official nature be limited to the hours of 10:30 AM to 2:30 PM.
Bill Ballard
Vice President
Ed Ladd
Anne Lankford
Cannon Renfro
Margie Thrift
Committee Chairs
Building Committee
This committee is in need of a chairperson.
Communications Committee
This committee is in need of a chairperson.
Covenants Committee
This committee is in need of a chairperson.
Emergency Procedures Committee
Barbara Klear
Finance Committee
Bruce Laderberg
Fire Safety Committee
Pete Beller
Grounds Committee
Frances Benson
Guest Rooms Committee
Margie Thrift
Library Committee
Randy Klear
Pool Committee
Bob Place
Social Committee
Beth Renfro
Strategic Planning Committee
Betty Edwards
Mita Vail